
I pays to keep it simple

It pays to keep it simple



Most common failures I’ve added this blog so in your mind, when you are looking at the pool and considering whether it will pass compliance or not, you have some idea about what needs looking at and reviewing Its best to do a few hours work first rather than have a fail and a letter from Council to remediate.


Regular Pool Maintenance

As we head into summer its time to turn your attention to your swimming pool.  Most of you will think about filters, ph balance and water clarity etc.  It is also a good time to do a bit of regular maintenance.


You and your Council

You and your Council.  My last blog hit a nerve with some in regard to their relationship with their Council over their pools.  We deal with lots of Councils and my advice is to work with them as they are striving for safety. 


We are an IQPI Company

We are an IQPI Company.  When we turn up to do an inspection of a pool most people tell us why they are using us as opposed to their Council.  There are lots of reasons and they are valid and passionately held.  So, I thought I would tell you what makes us different.
